
morumotto means "Guinea Pig" in English.
It's a katakanization, a loan-word.
It comes from "Marmot," from Dutch.
Sometimes morumotto doesn't mean the animal, see homonyms.

morumotto is normally written with katakana, as モルモット.
morumotto written with hiragana is もるもっと.
morumotto does not have kanji.
Romaji mo ru mo tto

Orthography Notes

  • ット contains a small tsu which makes the consonant of the syllable longer.

Homonyms & Similar Words

  • The Japanese word for what's called a "guinea pig" in English comes from the word "marmot" in Dutch. The Japanese word for what's called a "marmot" in English is maamotto マーモット.


Scientific name: Cavia.

Further Reading