The Japanese word for "Reindeer" is tonakai トナカイ.
Romaji | to | na | ka | i |
Hiragana | と | な | か | い |
Katakana | ト | ナ | カ | イ |
Kanji | 馴鹿 | |||
Meaning | Tamed Deer | |||
School Level | ✕, 中 |
The word "Reindeer" katakanized would be reindhia レインディア.
Romaji | re | i | n | dhi | a | |
Katakana | レ | イ | ン | ディ | ア | |
Hiragana | れ | い | ん | でぃ | あ | |
Meaning | Rein | Deer |
- Here's a list of Christmas vocabulary in Japanese including words like reindeer.
Scientific name: Rangifer tarandus.
Beware: some kanji that are difficult to handwrite are easy to type on the computer, which may skew the usage statistics.