The Japanese word for "Fish" is sakana 魚.
- sakana is the common term for fish, while gyorui is the technical term for the animals that are fish.
Romaji | sa | ka | na |
Hiragana | さ | か | な |
Katakana | サ | カ | ナ |
Kanji | 魚 | ||
School Level | 小2 |
The word "Fish" katakanized would be fisshu フィッシュ.
Romaji | fi | sshu | |
Katakana | フィ | ッ | シュ |
Hiragana | ふぃ | っ | しゅ |
Beware: some kanji that are difficult to handwrite are easy to type on the computer, which may skew the usage statistics.