The Japanese word for "Fly" is hae ハエ. Fly doesn't always mean the animal in English, see homonyms for other translations.
Romaji | ha | e |
Hiragana | は | え |
Katakana | ハ | エ |
Kanji | 蝿 | |
School Level | ✕ |
The word "Fly" katakanized would be furai フライ.
Romaji | fu | ra | i |
Katakana | フ | ラ | イ |
Hiragana | ふ | ら | い |
Homonyms & Similar Words
- "To fly" in Japanese is tobu 飛ぶ.
Beware: some kanji that are difficult to handwrite are easy to type on the computer, which may skew the usage statistics.