jerīfisshu means "Jellyfish" in English.
It's a katakanization, a loan-word.
jerīfisshu is normally written with katakana, as ジェリーフィッシュ.
jerīfisshu written with hiragana is じぇりーふぃっしゅ.
jerīfisshu does not have kanji. jerīfisshu written with hiragana is じぇりーふぃっしゅ.
Romaji | je | rii | fi | sshu | ||
Katakana | ジェ | リ | ー | フィ | ッ | シュ |
Hiragana | じぇ | り | ー | ふぃ | っ | しゅ |
Meaning | Jelly | Fish |
Orthography Notes
- jeriifisshu is another way to romanize this word.
- ジェ, フィ and シュ are compound kana representing a single syllable with multiple characters.
- ッシュ contains a small tsu ッ which makes the consonant of the syllable longer.
- リー contains a long dash called the prolonged sound mark which makes the vowel of the syllable longer.
- Despite the name, a Jellyfish isn't a fish.[1]
Beware: some kanji that are difficult to handwrite are easy to type on the computer, which may skew the usage statistics.
Further Reading
- Is a jellyfish a fish? -, accessed .